Monitoring system

A monitoring system provides useful information for you and for Purasol. It detects anomalies and tracks the production of the solar system through the Internet. Online solar system monitoring was first used by system owners who do not live permanently in their home, but it became one of the most appreciated accessories for any of our customers. 

The monitoring system will be installed near the control box (Breaker box) or somewhere convenient for your project. The information can be displayed on a screen directly on the site, or sent over the Internet to anywhere in the world. In addition, you can use an application for your mobile, with which you could easily track your energy production, monitor your system and share data with family or friends. 

  • The system offers a concise presentation of yields and energy consumption.
  • Manage the photovoltaic system remotely with complete professional control.
  • In addition to our warranty on the entire installation, the manufacturer offers a 2-year warranty on system supervision.
  • Con el monitoreo, los propietarios de sistemas pueden rastrear su producción de energía.

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