Another happy customer’s testimony

Johnny Vásquez Elizondo, civil engineer, remembers very well how he used to visit fairs of the construction industry to learn about new products for his business Idecasa, specialized in the sales and manufacturing of prefab houses. “Before, solar power was such a new and expensive technology that it was unthinkable to have a solar equipment at home for personal use. But how times have changed! I have been generating electricity for my house for almost a year now and so far the system has done without failure what it has to do; provide electricity for a house with 3 people. Before the electric bill was about 50,000 colones a month, but now it´s never more than 10,000 col. “
ICE´s Pilot plan
Johnny Vásquez was one of the first persons to join the ICE Pilot Plan. This means he is still connected to the grid for periods of low electricity generation and during times of high production he injects his excess energy into the grid. “This system also saved me from buying batteries because they are no longer necessary as there is no storage of electricity,” he explains.
Only praise
He is very happy to have chosen Purasol : “They have good prices, good quality and they did all the necessary paperwork with ICE to join the Pilot Plan, so this part of the process went very easy too. I also want to add that they have an excellent team of very efficient installers. You can really see that they have a lot of experience and that they do installations on a daily basis. A correct, quick and clean job, done by nice and hardworking people!”
The main reason for mr. Vásquez to switch to solar energy was his desire for independence from the conventional system of electricity supply. “They keep raising electricity prices and we do not know where it will end. Really, I’m convinced that I made a good lifetime investment.”