Hot water at more than 90°C using only solar energy.

  • Different storage capacity options.
  • Components for the water pipes connection are included.
  • Professional installation by our experimenting team.


Why solar water heating?

Would you like to harness the sun's energy and heat water without using any fuel? Our solar water heaters do not require electricity, instead use collectors that transfer heat from the sun directly to the water. The insulated tank keeps the water at a comfortable and warm temperature at all times. It is easy to support a solar water heater, it heats your water for free, and it will lead for savings on your gas or electric bill right away.

Advantages of solar water heating:

  • A solar heater provides hot water throughout the year, in case of cloudy days and a lot of rain, you can complement the temperature that you want with an electrical resistance that is activated if necessary.
  • It uses clean energy without fuels to heat water, avoiding tons of carbon dioxide emissions for the environment.
  • Suitable for houses, hotels, campsites, health and educational centers, laundries, shops and industries.

Hence... How does it work?

Purasol's "pre-heat" solar water heater provides red pressure through a high efficiency stainless steel/copper coil heat exchanger located inside the tank. Through the unique heat exchanger, cold water goes into hot water immediately, allowing you to enjoy hot water instantly. The interior of the hot water tank is only used to storage and heat exchange.

We can design a solar water heating system that will cover your hot water consumption and reduce your gas or electricity bill significantly. The optimal size and model basically depends on (1) the number of people in a household and the habits of using hot water also, (2) other uses of hot water such as laundry or cooking activities.

Installation Process

Are you ready to get started with your solar project?

Here are the steps to follow:

1. Technical visit

  • We evaluate your location and all the features of the place.
  • Space required on your roof is 2-3 m² per heater.
  • As a customer, you must install the hot and cold water pipes to the place where the heater will be installed. But if you want, we can do the job for you.
  • The purchase contract for your project is signed.

2. System installation

  • We install and ensure a fully functional system.
  • The term is usually one day, but it depends on the number of heaters, their location and the weather.
  • Now you can start using the solar heated water.

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