An engineer testifies

Interested in renewable energy technology and having Purasol just around the corner of his own office, Mr. Guillen Fuentes went to see them and inform about the different possibilities of having a renewable energy system installed in his own house. “I liked Pierre´s personal treatment, “he says, “I really appreciated it, and he got me convinced that renewable energy could be a very interesting option for my home.”
The reasons for Mr. Guillen Fuentes to change to clean energy were not only economic. Sure he would like to see his ICE bill reduced, but as an agricultural engineer he also was deeply fascinated by renewable energy technology and as a good citizen of the world he was also led by environmental concern. “Actually many factors led me to the decision to invest in a photovoltaic solar system, and, to tell you the truth, I am extremely happy with this decision.”
Minimum rate from the beginning
For an average consumption of 300 KW per month, Purasol made him an estimate of 12 solar panels, amount that would be necessary to cover the electrical needs of his home in La Bonita de Rivas. Mr.Guillén Fuentes also decided to join the ICE Pilot Plan and that was the reason why there was a bit of delay in starting to reduce his electric bill immediately. “It was all ready to go and just the bidirectional meter needed to be installed by ICE. This meter allows to send electricity to the grid and consume from it when needed. It took them several weeks to show up, but once the system got launched, the result was well visible; in the first full month of functioning, which was in June, the ICE bill was at its minimum rate and I ‘haven’t had to pay more since then.”